title: Design and performance of a magnetic bottle electron spectrometer for high-energy photoelectron spectroscopy
- Kurtis Borne
- Jordan T. O’Neal
- Jun Wang
- Erik Isele
- Razib Obaid
- Nora Berrah
- Xinxin Cheng
- Philip H. Bucksbaum
- Justin James
- Andrei Kamalov
- Kirk A. Larsen
- Xiang Li
- Ming-Fu Lin
- Yusong Liu
- Agostino Marinelli
- Adam M. Summers
- Emily Thierstein
- Thomas Wolf
- Daniel Rolles
- Peter Walter
- James P. Cryan
- Taran Driver
date: ‘2024-07-26’
publishDate: ‘2024-12-20’
- ‘2’
publication: ‘Rev. Sci. Instrum.’
doi: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0223334
abstract: We describe the design and performance of a magnetic bottle electron spectrometer (MBES) for high-energy electron spectroscopy. Our design features a 2 m long electron drift tube and electrostatic retardation lens, achieving sub-electronvolt (eV) electron kinetic energy resolution for high energy (several hundred eV) electrons with a close to 4π collection solid angle. A segmented anode electron detector enables the simultaneous collection of photoelectron spectra in high resolution and high collection efficiency modes. This versatile instrument is installed at the time-resolved molecular and optical sciences instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source x-ray free-electron laser (XFEL). In this paper, we demonstrate its high resolution, collection efficiency, and spatial selectivity in measurements where it is coupled to an XFEL source. These combined characteristics are designed to enable high-resolution time-resolved measurements using x-ray photoelectron, absorption, and Auger–Meitner spectroscopy. We also describe the pervasive artifact in MBES time-of-flight spectra that arises from a periodic modulation in electron collection efficiency and present a robust analysis procedure for its removal.
- name: URL
url: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0223334